Category Archives: Uncategorized

UK 2016


This is me in London.

The last 2 days were in Birmingham and I saw my first castle! 🙂

Okay, the weather is not okay. I am just cold, it’s dreary and I think I’m being made quite aware of what the weather does with my mood. 

Holy heck. I am wanting some good food for lunch. 



There’s something about change that is quite odd. Everyone, deep deep down, knows that we need it, but everyone is mired in this inertia. And it happens everywhere, everyday, all the time. At home, at school, at work, even at play.

I personally find change really hard. I personally dislike it quite a lot. I am a creature of routine and I like being that way in general. 

But I think I’ve reached a point where I’m going to make some changes. Some of it has begun, and it’s got generally okay responses so far, but yeah, we’ll see.


In sync.

Coming along


It’s coming along, this RDA thing. I’m quite enjoying it really. Sure I’m still self conscious and all and it’s a really different crowd but I’ll just do my best. 

I’m glad I have a few projects and I want to make a difference even if it’s not immediately obvious.. 🙂

I hope the horses don’t mind me..



These few weeks have been eye-opening, heartbreaking, encouraging and positive all at the same time. It’s been a roller coaster and I think I’ve enjoyed it so far.

So things work differently here at the Riding for the Disabled Singapore. I am still getting used to things but I actually think it’s good for me.

I like to think I’m making a contribution to someone’s day when I get them riding or even mounted. 


One call away.



Unitooth is home! 🙂


Things aren’t exactly stable. So I don’t feel very good about this whole thing. Overall, I wish people were more considerate to the pawns in the situation. And also struck by the realisation that most of us are nothing more to other people than sacrificial chess pieces on a huge board.