Category Archives: life

New Start


and here i am with a new beginning. i perhaps should have written this before i began but here it goes, at the end of Day 1 at the RDA Singapore.


these past 6 weeks or so have been rather tumultuous and has been such a journey. i think I’ve learnt a lot from all of this being betrayed, questioning if I’ve made the right decision, almost wanting to go back on what i decided and then not; having the patience to try to be the bigger person, being the bigger person and thinking that it’s not worth it.

i felt so much support that i felt guilty about it for no reason at all, and now i am just grateful.

i wanted to make the right decision so badly it hurt and no one would tell me which was right or wrong. some told me to follow my heart (clearly wrong because that would be Karina and Mirabelle, who are simply in the -wrong- place), some tried to steer me in a direction and then immediately didnt commit simply because ‘it’s ultimately your decision’. well, yes. some told me ‘whatever you want’ but I’m sure secretly wanted me to pick a particular path. whatever it is, i made a decision, and I’m gonna ride it out. literally.


over this whole time, there have been a few constants to whom I am immensely grateful. and no, i may not have been the kindest to them during this time, but believe me, i didnt mean it. and thank you for still being here through this entire ordeal.


there are a few people who’ve been pillars of support this whole time and i think i wouldn’t have been able to get through days minute by minute without.


i know the road ahead will be nothing but a climb and maybe i’ll have to make some sacrifices but i hope i will make this work.


and winter came…

Flippy B. the Blister


oh, i had small argument with Nanno which resulted in Flippy.


today, i also find that its been a long, long time since i’ve written, i suppose here’s how it’s all gone.

work has been very good, with improvements here and there, and i think this week has just been a trying one. i hope that headway is being made and that people realise the small people.

oh, and then there was that accident where the wingman and i had to make a trip to the hospital in a cool ride with flashing lights and a siren to boot! no, i don’t suppose it was a great experience at said hospital but i was treated okay i suppose, oh, with exception to the X-ray technicians who were slightly rough with my suspected broken fingers. but all is well now, back riding and slowly but surely back in the grind of things.

i think that was by far the most significant incident of 2015 thus far. i mean, I’m cool with a new adventure and all, but maybe not SO exciting all the time? i do think we were extremely lucky. shaken, but lucky.

this year, i’ve also discovered the wonderfulness that is QUINOA! =) it is indeed very nice a superfood, probably the first healthy thing i actually enjoy and would actively pick to eat. thanks is due to Salad/Superfood, owner of SaladStop!

next week, there is the routine ENT check-up at CGH. and there are a few things to explore. no need for direct answers, just ways to cope. possibly having Menieres Disease has been one of the scariest things I’ve felt. I’m not even sure what I’m scared of, the eventual end or dealing with this, forever.. oh, and also the possible EpiPen.

so today is a day in history, yes, a day to mourn but also a dawn of a new era, officially.





When you’re taking steps
But need to go faster
We can speed through streets
So the shadows can’t catch up
When the corridors and all the stairs are making you tired
I will come for you
Set the building on fire


aren’t you a nice mover? =)


i think, mirabelle, we have a long way to go…

Let’s Play Catch Up


Some things have come up recently that are slightly unsettling. And because of someone else’s oddness I am in a spot.

Let’s hope this is not half as long drawn and psychotic as the previous ones.

On the other hand the clip queue is just abit too long for my liking. Clipping everyday except Wednesday is not cool. I mean I love clipping you know, but this is abit excessive. Like once i get down to it, I’m alright.. But yeah.. Ish.. :/

I’m glad there’s chiro today! 🙂

Hua Yu Wee


And so it was seafood tonight at said restaurant. Okay, it’s very nice, but I think I could do with the cheaper alternative at Ban Leong Wah Hoe at casuarina.. 🙂

I didn’t have a bad day today in my opinion, most interesting was of course clipping Uhmber Un Prince. What a name right..? Anyway Uhmber is massive. Thanks is due here to Kim and Judith.

Maccers for lunch- I had a ‘mikmacmew, upsai wif cok’, and it was quite satisfying actually.. 🙂

I just called to say ‘I love you’..

Wedding Prep


Amidst all this wedding preparation, I guess I am really happy about my bro getting married and I’m happy for him and Cher. I hope that this wedding is everything he and Cher dreamed about (within reason) and I hope it goes well.

I am also very glad that the family will be coming together and even family from perth and Germany are coming.